sh & po

In the shop we’ve created a selection of our best shots as a lot of you have asked us to do that. However, all the pictures in our website can be purchased, not only the ones in the shop. As you’ll discover following the link prints are available in different sizes and materials, with frame or not, visit the shops below!

icons8-adobe-lightroom-500  Presets                124602-200 Prints

Photo gallery

Here is our portfolio which collect all the best pics we’ve taken all around the world. Follow us  inside this amazing travel full of colors, feelings and amazing cultures. We promise you’ll not regret it. However, if you find something you desire to print do not hesitate to write us!

gallery-880815_960_720  Portfolio

Our portfolio has been created thanks to the support of which has offered us the possibility to join an incredible platform and a great family. We highly suggest you to try their services, you won’t regret this choice.

By the way, only the best shots will be kept on the Portfolio. If you want to see them all, you can look at our 500px profile. Photos will be collected by location and you’ll easily discover the full behind the scene of our unforgettable trips, even the ones we believed to be less epic, but still relevant to make you part of our story!

     500px_logo_detail all the shots

Conquering the west

The Perfect Roadtrip: Iceland

Christmas in the Amalfi Coast