Get to know us: our purpose

Hi guys,

we are three cousins united by the passion for nature and adventures. We are all-year travellers and this year we’ve finally decided to start this new project as a way to share with you some of the best places all over the world, reserving you a special seat in our adventures!

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Mallorca: the place for you


Ic_schedule_48px.svg 5 min.
49097Spanish Voice (powered by Spotify)

“Benvenido en Mallorca”.
These will probably be the first words you’ll hear as soon as you will land in Palma.
This island is one of the best sea spots of the Mediterranean in terms of water quality,  landscape beauty and possibility to meet other cool people. We are quite sure it will surprise you!

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Ic_schedule_48px.svg 6 min.
49097Sebastiano Chiari (powered by Spotify)

Citando uno dei fotografi a cui più mi ispiro, e che più hanno illuminato la mia strada da percorrere all’interno del vasto mondo della fotografia paesaggistica, Thomas Heaton:

“Capturing portfolio’s great images is only a small part of these photography trips, more often it’s about the experience, the adventure and spending time in the outdoors”

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USA: Conquering the west


Ic_schedule_48px.svg 20 min.
49097West air (powered by Spotify)

So much time has passed since the first gold diggers decided to move toward this wild region searching for luck and, maybe, a new life. However, the western part of US has not lost its charm and it is still full of incredible things to see and to do starting from its blue skies, which create an incredible contrast with the golden field of corn and wheat, or from Colorado river and its emerald water. This land, where arches are creates by nature, American Indians drive a Corvette and a redhead girl offers you the best breakfast you’ve ever tried is really unique both on natural and cultural point of view.

Therefore, if you decide to choose this trip make sure to be prepared to an unlimited flux of emotions, a series of adventures that will change your life forever!

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