The Amazing Algarvian Coast


Ic_schedule_48px.svg 7 min.
49097Algarve (powered by Spotify)

Visiting one of the most beautiful places in all of Europe: the Algarve Coast. This area is something magic made of fairy spots that let you breathless and friendly people. Four or five days in the southern region of Portugal are enough to leave you amazed and make you fall in love with this amazing land.

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The Amalfi Coast on christmas

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Ic_schedule_48px.svg 9 min.
49097Naples & the Amalfi Coast (powered by Spotify)

It was incredible to drive all around one of the most loved and beautiful part of Italy. This area is well known all around the world for its superb lemons and amazing food, from Amalfi and Sorrento to Naples this area should be called The Capital of Italian Food, and also the amount of archaeological sites such as Pompeii and Paestum is impressive!

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Iceland: Places you’ll never forget

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Ic_schedule_48px.svg 20 min.
49097Iceland on the road (powered by Spotify)

Iceland is well known all over the world as the land of ice and fire. Created by a process of emersion of the oceanic floor, this place offers the possibility to observe the pure and uncontaminated beauty of a raw primordial nature. This obviously makes it to be considered like a paradise for landscape photographers.

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The Perfect Roadtrip: Iceland.


Ic_schedule_48px.svg 3 min.
49097Iceland Roadtrip (powered by Spotify)

Twelve days to discover Iceland, a breathtaking country where you can spend entire days surrounded only by wild nature. There are some places that you’ll never forget and one of this is Iceland. This land is something magical, during all the seasons. During this twelve days we’re going to discover some of the best photography spots and amazing landscape all around this amazing island.

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